
Osteoporosis is the reduction of bone mass, because of the reduction of bone containment with metals, mainly calcium. This procedure makes the bones thinner reducing their durability. It’s a common disease in elderly people and especially in women after menopause. Bone minerals consist 90% of total body bone mass. Adults over 35-40 years old lose annually 0.5-1% of their body bone mass. This process makes the bones thin and weak reducing their durability. Individual becomes prone to bone injury, in advanced stage there is bone and muscle pain and might happen bone fractures in the hip and spine, limiting your mobility and independence.

Many other factors can help the appearance of osteoporosis, like smoking, alcohol, caffeine overdose, less taking calcium, nutrition high in proteins and verb inns and also many pharmaceutical pills. Also, hormonic causes (low estrogen levels after menopause in women) and genes are responsible for osteoporosis.

Prevention of Osteoporosis

Exercise and nutrition can help the prevention of this disease. When metals remain to the organism and bones, then bones increase their mass.
Except nutrition, physical exercise is important to prevent osteoporosis. Bones increase their mass via mineral storage. Many studies have shown that inactive individuals who began low intensity aerobic exercise like walking can accelerate the bone composition process very quickly. For more effects it’s needed to start resistance training or vibration training. Also, flexibility, stability and balance exercises are really helpful.

You should ask your doctor first if you are at risk of osteoporosis related health problems. If you have osteoporosis, don’t do high-impact exercises, any bending and twisting exercises. Stay active and don’t mistakenly think that exercise will lead to injury. On the contrary, using your muscles will protect your bones.