Flexibility and Posture

We can work flexibility through stretching exercises, which contribute in better joint mobility and injury avoidance. Muscles lose part of their elasticity from intensive training, muscular development training, from exercises with limited movement trajectory and possibly from old injury. With stretching is possible to reduce risk of muscular injury and also increase possibility of performance improvement.

Regarding the morphology of articulation and natural elasticity of muscular system, we shouldn’t press joints beyond trajectory of movement and natural muscle elasticity. When body temperature raises, the inflexibility reduces and the muscles ability to extend increases. Stretching exercises after workout will relieve from muscle pain. Regardless the method we are going to use to extend a muscle, we have to know that stretching exercise shouldn’t cause pain. Each stretching exercise is personal for every individual and should stop at its own pain limits. Also, we have to say that while we perform stretching exercises, we must be very careful. The intensity, duration and frequency should be gradual because they may cause injury, edema, pain, etc. There 3 kind of stretching exercises, energetic, passive and self-stretching.

The exhaustive working hours, particularly in the office, wrong body posture, driving a lot of time in big cities, musculoskeletal disorders that we inherit (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis), impose us to confront them with specific exercises that relieve us from pain and restore our body at its right form. It’s not easy and is needed to perform consciously the correct body posture through all day activities. It’s about an education that reminds us every day how to stand, sit, walk and taking in mind that no correct body posture affects our quality of life.

Specifically, body weight isn’t shared evenly on joints, gravity power has a negative impact on them and on muscles. The muscles are getting smaller and weak. However, with body posture training, we can develop and strengthen them. We can also increase the range of motion of the joints. The body becomes more functional, balanced and operative.