Personal Training Services
It is one more option to fitness with the only difference that underlines the need of personal training. The scientific approach in physical exercise in our times is considered essential as well as examines very carefully the factors that determine the quality of our life and develops scientifically customized fitness programs.
Safety First
Personal trainer is what that is missing from obtaining a very beautiful athletic body or/and improve the quality of your life.
The need of PT
- when you don’t have the results you want
- when you need motivation
- when you don’t have time for gym
- when you doubt about the content of training you are already using and its effects
- when you have specific needs, like an injury
- when exists a chronic disease
- when you are pregnant or after birth
- when you want to participate in an athletic event
How we work
There is always better when there is access to muscular development and cardio equipment. However, we can achieve too many things without any equipment. A category of excellent home equipment, like tubes with grips or not, barbells, swiss balls, free weights, dumbbells and other stuff economic and easy to store, is available in the market.
Moreover, there is the option to buy machines like a treadmill, elliptical trainer or static bike, and if there is enough space, you can build your own gym at home.
Training location
That depends exclusively from you. Personal trainer can visit your home, the office, park, stadium or gym at your neighborhood if it is possible.
Frequency of training
Three times per week is the best option to begin feeling and seeing the first fitness results.
The more is the best, meaning that daily exercise is beneficial, with limitations though. If you can plan daily activity of 30-60 minutes is a good option, considering always your medical history, goals and social activity.
The cost depends of the training location, the time and the needs. Here you will find prices that are similar with prices that exist in the fitness market. Also, consider the fact that you will find services from certificated scientist of Physical Education and Sports.
If you have planned a session and you can’t join, it has to be cancelled 6 hours ago, otherwise you have to compensate the trainer. In case of being late at scheduled session with your own fault, trainer will realize the session until scheduled time and will be fully compensated as arranged from the beginning. In case of health issue, there is no problem, client can free cancel without charging. Training session lasts 1 hour.
Group Personal Training
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Just ask one of our clients and you will understand the philosophy and goals we have.